Johnson Creek Track

Point of Interest


Walk to and through a big slip formed in the 1929 Murchison earthquake. Time: 2 hr return. The track initially follows parallel to the creek within pine forest. On entering the native forest the track continues beside the creek until turning right to cross the left branch of Johnson Creek. The track then gradually climbs and emerges from the forest at the toe of the big slip. This slip was formed in the 1929 Murchison earthquake and is the feature piece of the walk , with the track winding its way through the old slip jumble giving excellent views of the mud stone cliffs that were formed. The track terminates in the middle of the old slip amongst the struggling vegetation, giving a good idea of the magnitude of the shake. Return via the same track. No dogs. Wasps can be a nuisance, particularly from December until April. Carry antihistamine if you are allergic to their stings.

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Lat: -41.851158 Lng: 172.316559


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