Putangirua Pinnacles Track (LOTR)
Point of Interest
New Zealand, Aorangi Forest Park, 5772, North Island.
Walk to the spectacular Putangirua Pinnacles or further for excellent views of Palliser Bay and Lake Onoke the shorter options are suitable for kids.
Time: 2 4 hr return depending on route.
Three routes lead to the Putangirua Pinnacles or the Pinnacles lookout:
Walk up the streambed to where the Pinnacles tower overhead (watch for falling rocks, especially after heavyrain and in strong winds).
Take the easily-graded bush walk that starts approximately 10 min along the streambed from the car park. This leads to the loop track junction and on to the lookout above the Pinnacles.
For a more direct route to the lookout, walk up the streambed to the base of the Pinnacles and turn left onto the loop track. This track climbs steeply to the lookout and meets up with the bush walk.
For a longer walk with excellent views of Palliser Bay and Lake Onoke, continue uphill from the lookout to a bulldozed track and turn left. It returns you to the coast 300 m from the Pinnacles Road entrance, Allow 34 hr for the return trip.
Dogs allowed. Keep dog under control at all times.
Lat: -41.44894 Lng: 175.225151