Cathedral Cove
Point of Interest
Accessible only on foot, boat or kayak, famous Cathedral Cove is one of the 'must visit' sites on The Coromandel.
There are several scenic tracks on land adjacent to the reserve, including the 2hr return walk to Cathedral Cove track, which gives access to Gemstone Bay, Mares Leg and Cathedral Cove.
Foot access to Cathedral Cove starts at the top of Grange Road. Parking is at the Visitor Car Park on Pa Road (turn right just after entering Hahei). During the summer months a shuttle service runs from the visitor car park on Pa Road to the start of the Cathedral Cove track. Alternatively you can walk from the car park around the beach to the start of the track which will take an extra 20mins.
No camping or overnight parking allowed.
Lat: -36.828624 Lng: 175.790294