Wallis Street Self-Contained Overnight Parking
Wallis Street, Raglan, North Island.
If you are in a fully self-contained vehicle you can camp anywhere in our district except in the prohibited areas. You can stay up to 3 nights in each area.
If your campervan or motorhome is fully self-contained (with a toilet, wastewater tank and rubbish facilities on board) then you may camp overnight for free on most land administered by the Council, away from the town centres and residential areas. There is some public land including DoC reserves which are excluded. Please observe all no camping signs.
Freedom camping in prohibited areas is not permitted and is likely to result in a parking infringement notice and monetary fine from the local council.
If you don't have a fully self-contained campervan or motorhome (one with a toilet, wastewater tank and rubbish facilities on board) then you cannot freedom camp anywhere in the Waikato district. Instead, you should stay in a holiday park or camping ground.
Lat: -37.796974 Lng: 174.874555