Mangakirikiri Hut
Mangakirikiri Stream, Raukumara Conservation Park, North Island.
A tidy 6-bunk hut on a high terrace above the Motu - Mangakirikiri confluence. The hut has tank water and an open fire. No fees apply. Bookings not required - first come, first served.
Facilities include heating, mattresses, non-flush toilets and water (not treated - boil before use).
Foot access from the west is either from Otipi road down the Motu - big river, many deep crossings, down Mangamate & Mangakirikiri streams from the Takaputahi Road dropping into the Mangamate down the ridge 500m NE of pt 630.
From the east it's a scrubby, hard 2-3 days to Oronui hut, and a further 4-8 hours to the Mt Hikurangi roadend.
Lat: -38.013213 Lng: 177.678149